How to register on Launch X-431 Pro MINI


Launch X431 pro mini is a new full system diagnostic device manufactured by Launch company. Multi-language and multi-functional device can supports full system diagnosis, special functions. Ecu coding and actuation ect.


Here is the procedure of Launch X-431 Pro MINI User registration, the steps as shown below:
Tap “Login” on the upper right corner of the main menu screen:


Tap “New Registration”, like the picture below: need to provide real info to obtain better service.


A. Create App account: In “Register/Create an account” Screen, fill in the information in each field and then tap “Register”, a screen similar to the following will appear:
B. Activate the VCI module: In “Register/Activate connector” Screen, input the Serial Number and Activation Code, which can be found in the password envelope.


Active the device with the unique SN and activation code.
After register you can update the car software.


To download the diagnostic software, tap “Yes” to enter the software download
page. Tap “No” to download it later.
On the download page, tap “Update” to start downloading. It may take several minutes to finish it, please be patient to wait. To pause downloading, tap “Pause”.
To resume it, tap “Continue”.Once the download is complete, the system will install the software package automatically.
Pro mini supported more than 96 car brands around the world.

